发布日期:2024-10-07 04:47 点击次数:171
自拍不但会上瘾,并且自拍瘾仍是一种病。又名19岁男孩就因为自拍成瘾而试图自裁,原因是拍不出好意思满的自拍照露出 勾引,是以,可爱自拍的小姐或小伙子们要提神成为selfie addict(自拍瘾正人)呀。
露出 勾引露出 勾引
A 19-year-old boy addicted to taking selfies tried to commit suicide after failing to capture a perfect image of himself, the Daily Mail of London reported. The boy’s addiction, which began at the age of 15, caused him to drop out of school and lose almost two stone in weight.
When he failed to take the flawless shot, he tried to kill himself by taking an overdose but was saved by his mother. The selfie addict has now had therapy to treat his technology addiction, OCD and Body dysmorphic disorder – an excessive anxiety about personal appearance.
(中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮)
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